My LUMIX S5II LUT in all incarnations inc. 65 size, 33, vlt, sRGB, aRGB… Download here: DWD_S5IILUT_Pack
Author: Nick Driftwood
Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus Linny and WDR Luts
A few new additions here for FREE. The complete pack of 33 & 65 size Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus WDR and Linny LUT recreations for V-Log / Realtime Luts on the S5II. If you’re grading on NLE please grade behind these luts on another node in Davinci Resolve or earlier part of your...
FREE! Dope709 – Rec709 – ProPhoto – sRGB – Adobe RGB LUT Pack
Here’s a V-Log V-Gamut mixed & adjusted interpretation of the classic Arri Alexa Mini LF/Mini Arri Wide Gamut / Arri Log C3 to Rec709 LUT. THIS IS A CORRECTIVE COLOR LUT NOT A LOOK OR GRADE! The full Dope709 LUT Pack includes Rec709 65 size (for NLE Grading). & 33 size (for camera, plus -1...
FREE Orange & Teal Real Time LUT / V-Log View Assist LUT
A FREE Orange and Teal filmic look LUT created for V-Log to Rec709, to sRGB & to Adobe RGB. The following zip offers you a number of different stop settings too. You can use this LUT to burn in the look to your jpg photos using Real Time LUT on the LUMIX S5II/X camera or...
LUMIX / L-Mount Related Update Links [qcopd-directory mode=”one” list_id=”13328″ style=”simple” item_orderby=”menu_order” column=”1″ enable_embedding=”false” title_font_size=”” subtitle_font_size=”” title_line_height=”” subtitle_line_height=””]
FREE – Matching V-Log Cameras to Canon ‘Cine’ Log 3 / Rec709
I’ve developed some Lumix V-Log V-Gamut to a more Canon Rec709 look as a lot of people have been commenting over the years that they’ve found it hard to match Lumix cameras with V-Log to Canon cameras. Using the popular Canon Cinema Gamut and Canon Log3, I’ve adjusted the colour science of V-Log primaries keeping...
I’m currently analysing the LUMIX S5II new sensor colour science and wanted to get your reaction on a few test LUTs with V-Log. There is an obvious lean towards Magenta in V-Log so in order to achieve better looking skin tones I have created a few test LUTs from my base S5II Technical Colour LUT....
False Color / Colour LUTs for V-Log / Real Time LUT use on Lumix S5II
Here’s some free False Colour LUTs for your LUMIX (V-Log) Camera. On the S5II I suggest you use the REAL TIME LUT to quickly switch to this False Colour LUT, loading them up via the LUT Library function. I’ve also added a Arri style False Colour and Atomos style False Colour LUT inside the zip....
FREE – Driftwood’s LUMIX S5II Hi-Precision Colour LUT
FREE to you, my S5II High Precision 3D LUT Pack (inc. vat & Long/Short named .cube files) that I developed for my recent S5II shoot, you can download here: Driftwood S5II LUT FREE
LUMIX S5II Gets the lowdown from the mob!
I’ve done several ‘Demob’ videos over the years for various Lumix cameras and ‘Don Frankie’s New Shooter’ is the latest in the series. This time for the LUMIX S5II. It’s also a chance to celebrate some new technology from the Panasonic Lumix Engineers, top of the list – PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus) and...