Finally! After weeks of testing here is the Apocalypse Now RC version 1.13 (version 1 to you guys) plus a beta test version of 1.14 for in camera use (vlt). When you’re grading your footage in Davinci Resolve please ensure you have the following settings setup to work with the LUTs (see pic below) I’ve...
Category: Real Time Photo LUTs
FREE ‘RGBMan’ LUT – Subtle hint towards a Primary Colour Look
These may look like simple looks but its a highly tuned & balanced set of RGB LUTs for V-Log to use on your V-Log timeline to Rec709 Gamma 2.4. Each LUT is calculated to offer a nice clean subtle look without destroying other colours. They are balanced to 50% IRE from shadows to highlights...
FREE Driftwood ‘PastelKrome’ Series LUT Pack for Lumix V-Log & Real Time LUT
Introducing Pastelkrome a new set of LOOKs for V-Log View Assist (all v-log supported cameras) or Real Time LUT on the Lumix S5II/X Cameras. Download link is at the bottom of this page. Pastelkrome is a crossover of pastel like colours and filmic contrast (and no contrast) in a variation of 10 different looks. Designed...
Davinci Resolve 18 Node Tree Setup for Driftwood LUTs & LUMIX Cameras with V-Log
Here is my starting point node tree for Davinci Resolve 18 and settings for Davinci Wide Colour Gamut grading. I’m mainly exporting to Rec709 Gamma 2.4 (for broadcast TV) or Gamma 2.2 (for YT/web) and so most of my corrective LUTs are for Rec709, and so with this example tree lets go that route and...
Driftwood ‘Beauty’ LUT Pack FREE!
Whilst out in Varna, Bulgaria I had the chance to shoot some local models and wanted to test out V-Log and produce some fashionable Beauty looks for a new series. And here they are. 12 LUTs for you to play with and Free! There are 65 size NLE LUTs for your NLE (e.g. FCPX, Premiere,...
Driftwood Kodakchrome 64 Look LUT Pack
I’ve spent a few weeks analysing film stocks of Kodachrome 64 and decided to bring my emulation to Lumix users. Matched to the tones of yore using a modern digital camera such as the Lumix S5II I wanted to see how the classic film stock responded to colour and identifying what is unique and what...
Lumix S5 II V-Log Tiffs for experimental Graders
Here’s a group of V-Log .tiff still files created from video recordings in the Lumix S5II camera for you to try out your colour grading skills. Simply place them on your time line and use whatever method you choose to grade V-Log V-Gamut. Some people like a timeline of Davinci Wide Gamut Intermediate, some prefer...
Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus Linny and WDR Luts
A few new additions here for FREE. The complete pack of 33 & 65 size Cinefilm LUTs 1 to 4 plus WDR and Linny LUT recreations for V-Log / Realtime Luts on the S5II. If you’re grading on NLE please grade behind these luts on another node in Davinci Resolve or earlier part of your...
FREE Orange & Teal Real Time LUT / V-Log View Assist LUT
A FREE Orange and Teal filmic look LUT created for V-Log to Rec709, to sRGB & to Adobe RGB. The following zip offers you a number of different stop settings too. You can use this LUT to burn in the look to your jpg photos using Real Time LUT on the LUMIX S5II/X camera or...